Friday, February 10, 2012

Goals for next week.

I weighed in on tuesday at 221.8. I am SO close to ten pounds down! I need to step it up on the work outs though, I can feel myself losing motivation. Im itching for it to warm up outside so we can start walking, and im going to buy a jogging stroller so I can try out the couch to 5K program. I'd love to participate in the color fun run in MN in July. Our 2nd anniversary is that week and it would be a hell of a good way to celebrate another year down and a new year with my best friend.

Yesterday I was proud of myself. Me and little man went grocery shopping and we spent more time in the produce section then any other section. We also didnt even GO down the processed food aisles. Made it out of the store for 80 dollars and other then some more meat and the gallon of milk I forgot we should be good for a couple weeks.

I feel like im making the right steps. I have made a drastic change in my eating habits, I just need to keep them that way. And im working out which i've never done before. I need to work out more then just one hour twice a week though so thats my goal for this next week.

1st Weeks goal:(starting tuesday the 14th  since thats my next "weigh in day")
Do cardio and/or weights for 20+ mins at least every other day
Reach the 10lb weight loss mark. Thats 1.8lbs from tuesday the 7ths weight.

SW 1-1-12----230
CW 2-7-12----221.8
GW           -----165  (but this weeks mini goal is 220!)

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on your lose so far. Keep it up. Just visualize where you want to be and that will help you stay motivated. I encourage you to sign up for a 5k so that you have a goal to work towards. I trained for a 1/2 marathon when I couldn't even complete 1/2 mile. I signed up and never looked back until I completed it. If you want it bad enough and have a made up mind you can achieve it. Everyone deserves to look and feel their best.
