Another thing that really sparked this interest in being healthy is Zumba.
I had read that there was a class starting in my little town and I was interested. So I asked a friend if she wanted to check it out, and so we did. And I LOVE it. It gets me moving and while it is hard, it feels SO good when its done.
Its 1 hour, twice a week and because of that I wanted to eat healthier because I didnt want the zumba to be cancelled out by junk food. Then I was feeling lazy on the days I didnt have zumba so I looked into other ways to workout. Im kinda addicted now. :) I do Netflix work out videos, The wii active, internet work out videos, long walks, im hoping to get a jogging stroller so I can start couch to 5k, and Im going to pick up a jump rope when the snow melts so I can do that while little man plays outside this summer.
If you would have told me even 2 months ago that I would actually enjoy working out, I would have laughed in your face. But I really am, and thats how I know this time is differnt. I WANT to do it. I WANT to feel my muscles burn, I WANT to be out of breath, I WANT to see definition in my legs/arms rather then jiggle. And Zumba is SO much fun!
If you havent tried it yet, I highly suggest it!
I love Zumba too. I loved it so much when I first tried it that I became an instructor. I taught free classes at my church. I am not an active instructor anymore but I still love it. It makes you feel amazing. I am happy that you have decided to get healthy. I went from being a 245lb couch potato to completing my first 1/2 marathon. If I can do it you can definitely do a 5k. Good luck!